Context analysis (Closed)


The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive context analysis/ mapping with a specific focus on girls' and adolescent girls' education in Lebanon and Jordan. The primary objective is to identify the barriers, challenges, and specific needs that hinder their access, enrollment, retention, and may lead to dropouts, as well as the quality of education they receive. The analysis will also identify the opportunities and enabling factors that contribute to girls’ access to formal/informal education.

The assessment findings and recommendations will serve as a foundation to develop evidence-based interventions and strategies aimed at enhancing girls' educational opportunities and improving their overall outcomes. Additionally, the assessment should also consider the socio-economic and cultural factors that may influence girls' education in the region.

Countries Overview

The education system in Lebanon has historically been praised for its high standards and multiculturalism. However, social, economic, and political challenges, compounded by the Syrian refugee crisis, have imposed a significant strain on the sector, with girls' education facing unique challenges. Over 700,000 children are out of school, facing risks of learning loss, mental distress, violence, and underdeveloped social skills. They are at a heightened risk of exploitation, including child labor and early marriage. This risk is especially high for girls, refugees, children with disabilities, and those from impoverished families.

In Jordan, and since 14 percent of the country lives below the poverty line, child marriage occurs often among Jordanian girls in order for parents to be relieved of their financial responsibility. Around 13 percent of girls in Jordan marry before turning 18 years of age. Also, the situation for the Syrian refugee girls that are coming to Jordan is the worst since 33 percent of them are already married and this significantly decreases their chances of school enrolment.

In both countries, girls in rural areas, and those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, and Syrian refugee girls are most at risk of missing out on a quality education. The context analysis/mapping presents an opportunity to map local CSOs/feminist organizations and gain a better understanding of the ecosystem in which they operate both in Lebanon and in Jordan. The assessment will support the consortium to identify key stakeholders (KSH)/organizations as well as organizations working on capacity development pathways to support the grantees in advancing girl’s education, including government departments, organizations specialized in girls' education, school communities, and teacher unions etc. Also, and by engaging parents, guardians, caregivers, and community members, interviews and FGDs will be conducted to understand family and community values, assess retention risks, examine school and government policies and to highlight the intersectional discrimination committed against girls.

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Context analysis - TORs - Lebanon and Jordan
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